NOV 6, 2019
- NOVEMBER updates from Texas RRC for the Leases-Well monthly file
SEP 27, 2019
- New minor version (3.9.1)
- Added better support for Ticket Origin filtering. This allows you to filter on multiple ticket origins (TankWarden, PLC, Manual, and CSV) instead of just one. This has been added to both the Ticket Transactions Grid and the Ticket Alerts Grid.
- Added support for Lease Origin filtering. This allows you to filter on the lease origin (RRC Monthly Lease File, Company-Supplied Drill Permits).
- Added new field to Ticket Transaction Grid: Ticket-Driver Image Window. The original Ticket-Driver Image column link still displays the driver and ticket image in a new tab; the new Ticket-Driver Image Window field contains an icon that displays a modal-popup window in the same page. This makes searching for and verifying many images faster.
- Fixed bug where column order was reordering left-to-right when adding or removing columns from Customize Grid Columns. Now, as soon as you add or remove columns from your grid, and press the green SAVE Field/Column selection, your ordering left-to-right will be properly preserved.
- TICKET TRANSACTIONS READ-ONLY 3.9.1 (TMRO on the main navigation)
- Same updates as Ticket Transactions 3.9.1, except that this version is Read-Only.
- To view this read-only version, you need the TicketManagementReadOnly (TMRO) role granted to you by your administrator.
SEP 19, 2019
- New minor version (3.9)
- Added better support for Ticket Origin filtering. This allows you to filter on multiple ticket origins (TankWarden, PLC, Manual, and CSV) instead of just one. This has been added to both the Ticket Transactions Grid and the Ticket Alerts Grid.
- Added new field to Ticket Transaction Grid: Ticket-Driver Image Window. The original Ticket-Driver Image column link still displays the driver and ticket image in a new tab; the new Ticket-Driver Image Window field contains an icon that displays a modal-popup window in the same page. This makes searching for and verifying many images faster.
- Fixed bug where column order was reordering left-to-right when adding or removing columns from Customize Grid Columns. Now, as soon as you add or remove columns from your grid, and press the green SAVE Field/Column selection, your ordering left-to-right will be properly preserved.
- P-18 3.5
- New minor version (3.5)
- Added filtering on Ticket Source (Tankwarden, PLC, Manual, CSV) to allow the filtering out of certain ticket source types from the Ticket Transaction grid to the P18.
- New page / feature
- Added Disposals Activity Log for Admin roles. This new page features
- A searchable, filterable, sortable grid showing all user activity in the creation, update, and deletion of
- Ticket Transactions
- Customers (Trucking Companies)
- Drivers
- Rates
- Company-Supplied Drilling Permits / Leases / Wells
- Ticket Transfers
- Pie charts displaying and comparing the total activity of users vs. functions across a selectable date range
- A searchable, filterable, sortable grid showing all user activity in the creation, update, and deletion of
SEP 4, 2019
- SEPTEMBER updates from Texas RRC for the Operators File and the Leases-Well monthly file
JUL 9, 2019
- New minor version (3.7)
- Removed auto-search from Begin and End Start Date-Time boxes/calendar controls to avoid so many pop-up messages and unnecessary calls to the database.
- Added new Search button at the right of Begin and End Start Date calendar controls. Users click new Search to do a Ticket Transactions grid search after changing Begin or End dates.
- P-18 3.3
- New minor version (3.3)
- Fix a bug in the addition function on Section II Line 7
JUL 2, 2019
- JULY updates from Texas RRC for the Operators File and the Leases-Well monthly file
MAY 20, 2019
- REPORTS 3.1 updates
- P-18 3.2 updates
MAY 13, 2019
- MAY updates from Texas RRC for the Operators File
MAY 2, 2019
- Tutorial now goes over all the latest updates to the Ticket Transactions page
- The tutorial goes over the newest updates to Manage User-Site Lists in User-Site Management 3.1
APR 13, 2019
- Added Flow and Pressure tabs to the dashboard with summary date, and historical grids, charts, and downloading
- Various UI bug fixes
- Bug fix: Display correct value in User Locked grid column when a user is created or edited
- Fixed bug so we can now allow more special characters in Batch Tag, Well Number, Notes, etc. through create ticket, bulk edit ticket
- Increase Bulk Edits to 200 rows
- Added protection against accidental user deletes in bulk editing (in-page help)
- Fixed bug in Duplicate Ticket Number detection above the Ticket Transactions grid
- Refactored Lease-Well Search UI
- Edited Lease-Well Search rules for individual boxes (3 character combination across multiple fields – see in-page help)
- Refactored and bug fixes in Ticket Alerts panel at page top
- An updated Read-Only version of the Ticket Transactions 3.6 page.
- Admins must give users the TMRO role in User-Site Management in order for them to see this page
- An updated version that adds a Drivers Link view column, so that users may check the number and details of a customer’s drivers from the customer page, without having to go to the driver’s page.
APR 12, 2019: RRC Operator File Updates
- April updates from Texas RRC for the Operators File
APR 4, 2019: Updates to Portal Page, Grid, Filter, Sort, and User Tips
- Added TankLogix User Tips – Active Checkbox Grid Filtering
- Added TankLogix User Tips – P18 PDF Printing Margin Issues
APR 3, 2019: RRC Lease, Well Updates
- April updates from Texas RRC for the Lease-Well File
MARCH 16, 2019:
- Updated My Profile main navigation and the following two sub-pages:
- Created Edit Password 3.0 to replace original Edit Password page
- Created Edit Personal Data 3.0 to replace original Edit Personal Data page
MAR 9, 2019:
- User-Site Management 3.1
- Ticket Transactions 3.5
- Ticket Transfer / Edits 3.1
- Form P18 3.1
- Form P18 PDF Archives 3.0
MAR 7, 2019: RRC Lease, Well, Operator Updates
- March updates from Texas RRC for the Lease-Well File
- March updates from Texas RRC for the Operators File
JAN 14, 2019: CSV Downloads for Customer 3.1, Driver 3.1, Company-Supplied 4.1
- DISPOSALS > Customer 3.0 is now replaced with Customer 3.1, which includes the ability to download the data grid to a CSV or PDF file.
- DISPOSALS > Drivers 3.0 is now replaced with Drivers 3.1, which includes the ability to download the data grid to a CSV or PDF file.
- DISPOSALS > Company-Supplied Leases_Wells 4.0 is now replaced with Company-Supplied Leases_Wells 4.1, which includes the ability to download the data grid to a CSV or PDF file.
JAN 8, 2019: RRC Lease, Well, Operator Updates
- January updates from Texas RRC for the Lease-Well File
- End-of-Year updates from Texas RRC for the Operators File
DEC 19, 2018: Ticket Transactions Read-Only 3.4
- A Read-Only version of Ticket Transactions 3.4 is now available.
- Accessible to users with the TicketManagementReadOnly role.
- Company Admins can grant this role to users profiles.
- This page is viewable in the main menu as “TMRO” (Ticket Management Read Only).
DEC 1, 2018: Grid Filtering and Multiple Column Sorting
- Check out the new tutorial showing how on certain pages (Drivers, Customers, Company-Supplied Leases-Wells, and Rates) the Grids at page bottom can be filtered in more advanced ways, and multiple-column sorting is enabled in the Grid.
- We hope this helps you in some of your perhaps more complicated filtering and sorting scenarios to more quickly and accurately filter, search, and sort your data.
NOV 29, 2018: Tanklogix Portal 2018 November Release:
USER-SITE MANAGEMENT 2.0: (for company admin role users only)
- Redesign of managing users and sites relationships.
- Added continuous site assignment (as new sites come online for a company, you may “pre-assign” any future sites to a user profile, alleviating the need to manually add future sites to users)
- Improved reset user password (strong random password generated)
- Ability to remove all alarms from users from the UI (email, text, and voice alarms)
- Cloning entire user-site profiles to other users, adding sites, and removing sites and alarms to multiple users at a time
- New Users Grid you may filter, sort, and edit
- All current versions of Ticket Management / Disposal Ticket Management will be rolled up to a single page and version: 3.4
- New on-demand configuration and transmission for leases, wells, and driver codes, where sites are configured for that functionality.
- Reports and status of all Lease, Well, and Driver transmissions
- Reports and status of tickets data and tickets images
- Bug fixes in Disposal Customer and Disposal Drivers panels
- Duplicate ticket detection on the Tickets Grid
- New ticket image count and ticket status columns on the grid
- Revised Accounting Code column
- Disposal quick links
- Lease-Well search results can now be ordered/sorted in different ways
- Performance improvements
Manual CSV Ticket Upload 3.0:
- Revised UI
- Expanded Ticket Batch-Tag field length from 5 to 15 characters
Disposal Customers 3.0:
- Revised UI
- Multi-column grid sorting
- Removed on-demand driver codes from this page
Disposal Drivers 3.0:
- Revised UI
- Multi-column grid sorting
- Revised On-Demand driver codes submission
Company-Supplied Lease-Well 4.0:
- Revised UI
- Multi-column grid sorting
Disposal Rates 3.0:
- Revised UI
- Multi-column grid sorting
- Single and Multi-site Rates views
Disposal Locations 3.0:
- Revised UI
- Grid column filter help
- Upgraded Location grid
Disposal Operators 3.0:
- Revised UI
- Grid column filter help
- Upgraded Operators grid
Disposal Ticket Data Transfer 3.0:
- Revised UI
- Ticket data restrictions (optional)
P-18 Form 3.0:
- Performance enhancements
- Added extra arithmetic error checking routine as you SAVE P18 data, to prevent any fields in Sections II and III from receiving incorrect data from browser auto-fill forms action. We have seen cases where using automatic form-filling to speed up information entry in Section IV has caused certain numbers to also be placed in Section II or Section III, overriding what was originally keyed in those fields. This new math routine will double-check all the arithmetic in sections II, III, and IV before submitting the form to save P18 data, and if an error is found, will display it to the browser screen. If you still experience issues, please consider turning off auto-form fill in your browser when working with the P18 form.
Reports 3.0:
- Revised UI
- Added Accounting Code and Wells info to various reports, both online and csv downloads
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